Friday, April 1, 2011

Notes from the Science of Timing Webinar I Attended This Week

Earlier this week, I was able to hear the audio portion of a webinar entitled "The Science of Timing" with Dan Zarrella who calls himself a Social Media Scientist. He's full of numbers, formulas, hard facts and a few theories. Sounds like a scientist to me. He talked a lot about contra-competitive timing for marketing. In other words, sending updates when others are not sending updates.

Here are a few of my notes. All times in notes are EST.
Fast facts
  • More men are on social media sites in the evening.
  • It is okay to tie your blog, Twitter and Facebook accounts together as long as you are not repeating everything. Add some original content to each outlet.
  • Marketing events on Twitter should start happening two weeks out.
  • Most re-tweets happen during the day.
  • If you post something to Twitter late in the day (2-5pm), it will be more likely to be re-tweeted. Also posts made late in the week have a better chance of being re-tweeted.
  • Click-thru rates are stable throughout the week, including weekends. Monday and Thursday have the lowest click-thru rates.
  • Click-thrus spike between 11am and 5pm.
  • Do not fear that you are sending too many tweets. Tweet more!
  • Tweet links to other sites more often than to your own site.
  • Tool: to analyze your retweets
  • Don’t crowd your content.
  • More articles are shared on Facebook on the weekends.
  • 12am – 3am are the better times for Facebook postings.
  • Post links to your site more often than other sites.
  • Facebook is better for direct marketing.
  • There is very little difference for marketing on Facebook between B2B and B2C.
  • Emails are read mostly in the mornings.
  • Most emails are opened 5am – 8am
  • Abuse/spam reports are highest on weekends.
  • Open rates are higher on the weekends.
  • Higher click-thru rates on weekends because of contra-competitive timing.
  • Frequency – Know your audience.
  • If you are sending quality, informative emails, once a week is good.
  • Put the unsubscribe button right at the top of the page. Do not be afraid of unsubscribers. They help you keep your list up-to-date. Why would you want to market to someone who doesn’t care about your product/company?
  • Send more emails! The more emails you send the lower your unsubscribe rates.
  • Most blogs are read in the morning between 10-11am
  • Blogs have the most page views on Mondays, least amount of views on the weekends.
  • More blogs are shared on Facebook on the weekends.
  • More comments to blogs are made on the weekends.
  • If you are blogging so others will share a link to your blog, then you should publish on Monday and Thursday.
  • Blogs posted between 6-7am get the most links.
  • The more frequently you blog, the better your stats

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