Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Preparing for a Social Media Speaking Gig

I was asked to speak at the May meeting of the Senior Services Network on the topic of social media. I had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone.

When preparing for a presentation such as this one, it is extremely hard to decide what to include as the experience level of each attendee is as varied as the number of attendees. This event had a full house!

How do you keep the audience engaged knowing you are going to see the follow three categories of learners?

1. The already-know-it attendee. I spoke with a gentlemen after the meeting who introduced himself as my twin. A fellow geek who was as proud of that moniker as I am.

2. The I-am-so-ready-to-get-this-stuff. I love talking to these people. They are not afraid to ask questions. Sometimes these questions and people make me go somewhere I had not planned to go with my presentation but I love their curiosity and willingness to learn.

3. The how-many-more-of-these-social-media-presentations-can-I-listen to? This classification has heard presentations about social media over and over (I mean, who hasn't in this day and age) and still don't get it. The don't plan to get it. That's okay. I like these individuals too. I try to convert them. Heck, it doesn't hurt to try.

Where do you fit in? What kind of learner are you when it comes to social media?

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